certifying maintenance under the authority of their Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence.
Detailed in the table below is a list of current limitations applicable to the holder of a UK Part 66 licence. The table
contains information on the basis for these limitations, the implications to the scope of the certifying engineer’s
responsibilities and details of how they may be removed.
The addition of another category (B1-2, B2 etc) to a Part 66 licence will requires the applicant to remove the
limitations applied to their existing licence prior to the addition being granted. However, the existing licence may be
extended with an additional type rating without the need to lift the limitations. Any new type added would have the
same limitations added that apply to the basic licence categories.
Where a limitation is shown against the basic licence category, the limitation also applies to the type rating.
BCAR to Part 66
The conversion of a BCAR licence to Part-66 took into account the following “protected rights”:
- Basic BCAR Licence Category
- Type ratings applied to BCAR Licence
- Authorisations held under A8-3 or A8-13 maintenance organisations.
- An approval directly issued by the UKCAA
- Aircraft type covered by BCAR group ratings where the holder could demonstrate evidence of certification
Limitations apply where the knowledge requirements relevant to BCAR Section L differ from the knowledge
requirements specified in Part-66.
Removal of Limitations
For those wanting to remove limitations and hold an unrestricted Part 66 licence, it will be necessary for the
applicant to sit the appropriate conversion examination, and where necessary, demonstrate appropriate experience
relevant to the knowledge required to remove the limitation.
The process for removal of limitations given below only refers to the specific limitation stated and does not address
the removal of a combination of limitations.