To access the forums you must agree with the following rules:
- • The Part66-Engineers consists primarily of aviation maintenance professionals.
Discussing the need to turn around this model.
• It is required a minimum of courtesy and good humor.
No offensive language, defamatory or offensive.
• It is requested to avoid posting on the forum of images of large sizes.
Preferences reduce them or just put the link stating that they are great.
• All the drops of job advertisements are strictly forbidden on the forum.
• It is strictly forbidden to post anything that violates the laws.
• Use the forum for all forms of spam and other illegal activities is prohibited.
• In the interests of readability and clarity of the forum, it is asking everyone to do his best to write correct English. Obviously, we are not asking for perfection in spelling or grammar but the abbreviations and voluntary forms of writing style SMS are prohibited so that we can all understand (English is not necessarily our mother tongue).
• No pornographic images.
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If you have comments or questions, please PM by webmasters, administrators or moderators.
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We hope you find these forums fun and informative.
Team-Part66 Engineers.
For those who are not fluent in english,We invite you to use google-chrome automatic translation.